People often wonder what TTouch is all about?
Is it Natural Horsemanship?
– Not really, since we don’t escalate pressure or treat horses like they respond to us as another horse would. Instead, we teach them what we want using other methods.
Is it Body Work?
– non-invasive, non-habitual bodywork is just one part of a whole horse method.
Is it energy work?
– some people use conscious intention, while the techniques work effectively in their own right.

The Tellington TTouch Method for horses offers a training approach that encourages optimal performance and well-being.
Based on the understanding that behavioural issues often stem from pain, soreness, fear or tension in the body, We address these underlying issues with TTouch. Through a combination of Body Work, specific Ground Exercises, and Riding With Awareness along with an overarching respect and consideration for the horse, we manage these issues.
Tellington TTouch goes beyond just what you do with your horse and how you do it. It changes how you believe in your horse, and understand them at a deeper level; beyond behaviour and labels.
This low-stress method helps horses go beyond instinct. It teaches them to think and act, instead of just reacting to what concerns them.
Attitude & Philosophy
One of the most important pieces that you will walk away with from a workshop is this tenet: “Change your mind, change your animal”. This means that our perception and labels affect how we deal with a specific animal or behavior.
We look at behavior as a means of communication rather than as the personality of a horse. Working to find the root cause of behavior, because there is always a reason!
The Tellington TTouch Method looks at the connection between physical, mental, and emotional balance. It uses the variety of exercises to improve posture and balance, which helps a horse feel safer. Thus, they can be more self-confident, achieving mental balance; when an animal is self-confident they have better self-control, emotional balance.
When an animal has better self-control, they can make better choices, acting rather than strictly reacting. This means that the Tellington TTouch Method is not simply “training” a horse to do a specific behavior, but actually providing them with the education to adapt, cooperatively to different situations.

Observation & Awareness of Horses
Sometimes combined with the heading, “Attitude & Philosophy”, observation has been a key piece to the Method since its inception.
As a way to understand behaviour, we use our powers of observation, visually and with our hands, to become “detectives”. We work to understand underlying issues of behaviour from habitual patterns of tension and dysfunctional posture, or limitations due to injury or loss of function.
We do not intend to label or judge the animal this way. It simply provides feedback to what is being observed in that context, at that moment of time.
Observation is not limited to our animals, but is used for ourselves as well as a road to self-awareness.

Body Work for Horses
Tellington TTouch practitioners use a light touch exploration to find areas in a horse’s body that indicate tension, fear of contact, soreness or discomfort.
Specific touches and movements known as TTouches are then applied to the horse’s body. These can release muscle tension, ease discomfort, and improve posture which leads to better mobility and performance.
Many techniques may resemble massage but the intention is not to directly manipulate the muscular-skeletal system.
TTouch works with the nervous system to change physical patterns at some of the deepest levels through gentle, non-habitual movement.
Many aspects of these techniques were inspired by the Feldenkrais Method.
Ground Work
Ground Exercises enable a horse to override habitual patterns of posture and movement and to learn without fear or force.
Changing postural patterns through movement helps retain the effectiveness of bodywork as well as change behavioural patterns associated with pain or tension.
Tellington TTouch exercises in the “Playground for Higher Learning”. Then, using a variety of elements (including labyrinth, ground poles and plastic) results in improved self-control, focus, self-confidence, cooperation, balance and coordination.
Moreover, many unique ways of leading a horse provide opportunities for both horse and rider to increase ability and coordination which can then be transferred to work under saddle.
Tellington TTouch groundwork is not done quickly or with the idea that you will “tire a horse out”, “make the right thing easy and the wrong thing hard”, or “show the horse who’s boss”.
TTouch groundwork helps horses find coordination and balance, which enhances self-confidence and makes it easier for horses to do what we ask of them.

Riding with Awareness
The Joy of Riding combines Linda’s more than 60 years of teaching classical riding and experience as a Feldenkrais practitioner.
Riding with Awareness improves the comfort, performance, and confidence of both horse and rider. We use tools and exercises to enhance balance, posture, and communication. The results are always positive.
Incorporating the Lindell Bitless Bridle, Balance Rein, and Liberty Neck Ring are some typical exercises that help encourage trust and communication.

TTouch Tools
Many different pieces of equipment are used to help enhance a horse’s balance and overall body awareness.
These different types of equipment are used for groundwork and riding exercises to support and encourage a functional posture and healthy way of going – without force or restraint.
One of these tools are our “Body Wraps”.
Contrary to many people’s first thought, these are in no way restrictive or tight.
They do not force the body into any position, rather they remind the nervous system about where it is in space and appear to “reset”. Or at least reveal habitual patterns of tension and bracing.

Starting Young Horses
Combining the components of the Tellington TTouch Method (Bodywork, Groundwork, and Riding with Awareness); we quietly educate young horses from their first interactions with people. We school horses under saddle in a way that encourages confidence, cooperation, and awareness, while ensuring the safety of both horse and handler.
Each year our Starting Young Horse clinics take participants of all levels through the steps of safely and effectively teaching young horses to be ridden, in a low-stress and comprehensive way.
Horses often improve their athletic skills, becoming more willing and able to perform. This not only benefits the horse but also strengthens the rapport between horse and rider. As a result, riders and horses develop a better understanding and communicate more effectively.

Who Uses the Tellington TTouch for Horses?
The Tellington TTouch Method is used by many world renowned trainers and riders.
The list includes:
Klaus Balkenhol – Olympic Dressage Rider
Frederic Pignon – Founder of Cavalia
Ann Kurskinski – US Show Jumper
Ingrid Klimke – Olympic 3 Day Event Rider
Becky Hart – World Champion Endurance Rider
These are just few of the many high caliber equestrians who have worked with Linda and appreciate the Tellington TTouch Method.
Of course, anyone who shares their life with animals can use the Tellington Method!