While the Tellington TTouch was initially developed intuitively, the evolving understanding about learning, neuroscience, and cellular intelligence, has helped established scientific grounds for the method.
Over the years there have been dozens of studies looking at the effectiveness of the Tellington TTouch, and its principles, with some fantastic results.
Click on a study to learn more.
Cattle 2012 Reducing Avoidance and Stress
Cattle 2013 Lowering Stress Levels
Dog 2013 Integrating the Tellington TTouch Method in Guide Dog Training
Horse 2013 TTouch Positive Results Documented
Horse 2009 Immediate Benefits of TTouch Reflected in EEG
Horse 2006 EEG Study of Equine Brain Waves
Horse 2001 Trailer Loading Study
Horse 1999 EPM/Neurological Study
Horse and Human 1987 Mind Mirror Study
Horse 1985 Stress Reduction Study
Human 2009 Preliminary Tellington TTouch Study at International Institute of Biophysics
Human 2008 The Therapeutic Use of Tellington TTouch for Fibromyalgia
Human 2007 TTouch Classes for Traumatic Brain Injuries
Human 2007 Changing the World One TTouch at a Time
Human 2003 Therapeutic Intervention Study
Human 2003 – 1999 Nursing Studies