Dog your dog pull on the leash?
The Tellington TTouch Harmony Harness System is uniquely designed to encourage flexibility through the body by allowing the handler to gently help balance and reduce leash pulling without using force or discomfort.

One of the most wonderful things about the Tellington TTouch Method is its ever-evolving nature. Every animal we work with provides us with invaluable lessons and often teaches us a new “tool” for our metaphoric tool box. This means that nothing is finite and we are always looking to improve the clarity, ease, and lightness in how we work with animals.
Developed from the TTouch UK harness, The Harmony Harness is made in Canada from colour fast nylon webbing and high quality hardware.
It has contoured plastic clips on one sides of the neck piece and two on the back pieces. This enables the handler to fit the harness without triggering concern by putting the harness over the dog’s head or by lifting the dog’s front leg. It is easily removed by releasing the clip without the need to pull the harness over the head which can cause anxiety for some dogs.
We offer a money back guarantee and highly recommend the combination of Harmony Harness & Leash Set for optimal results.
Why Harnesses?
In our decades of working with thousands of dogs in every type of scenario we have found a well-fitted harness with two points of leash contact to be the most effective and humane means to walk a dog on leash. This set up helps maintain balance and control without using force or aversive pressure and discomfort.
The combination of a well-fitted harness and two points of contact provides the handler with the possibility of enhancing a dog’s balance rather than just correcting or distracting a behavior. This addresses the most common root cause of leash pulling, physical imbalance.
Two Points of Contact
Part of the Tellington TTouch Harmony System’s effectiveness is the sliding leash-swivel handle combination. The double ended leash attaches to the chest and the back rings, creating two points of contact, while the handle slides freely.
Leading a dog with Two Points of Contact provides the handler with influence over the dog’s feet and body which is not possible with a single point of contact. A leash with a light snap on either end is ideal for leading with two points of contact. Placing one end on a ring at the chest and the other as far forward on the back as possible will give the handler the optimal position to re-balance and support a dog who tends to pull on the leash.
With Two Points of Contact the handler can use each end independently so that they can help to shift the dog’s weight up and back towards the hind quarters without tightening the dog through the neck, back and shoulders.
Unlike only one point of contact, control or influence is not dependent on pulling back or turning the dog towards you. With a chest and back attachment, the handler can help contain the dog’s movement without sacrificing balance or putting the dog into an awkward, potentially detrimental long term, posture.
Pulling on the lead can be a difficult habit to break for both the dog and the handler. It is common to tense up when leading a dog that pulls or has a tendency to lunge, but this can exacerbate the behaviour although it may well be an unintentional response by the handler.
Harmony Leash and Handle
The Tellington TTouch Harmony Leash is adjustable, in length, making it ideal for shorter people with large dogs or tall people with short dogs especially if you have dogs who pull on the leash. It can also be made longer when you want to give your dog more room.
This sliding handle with the swivel handle is one of the quickest ways I have found to have dogs who pull be able to walk on a loose leash. The handle gives security to the handler but as the lead moves through the ring on the handle, there is less likelihood of any tension passing down the lead and triggering further bracing and over arousal in the dog.
The TTouch Harmony Handle can also be a useful addition when walking more than one dog at a time, or in situations where holding the lead in both hands is not appropriate or possible.
Leashes are available in two adjustable lengths, 6′ to 3′ and 7’2′ to 4′ and three different widths. We suggest you choose the small (3/8″) width to go with XXS and XS harnesses; medium (5/8″) width to go with Small and Medium harnesses, and some dogs in Medium Width; large (3/4″) leashes pair best with Large and XL harnesses.
Fitting the Harness

Correctly fitting any Harness is extremely important. While each make and model will have specific fit characteristics and instructions, there are several areas to note when fitting any harness.
Always open all of the harness’s clips that you can. This may seem obvious but many well-designed harnesses open so it does not have to be put over the dog’s head. When you are working with an “easy going” dog, especially one you know well, it is tempting to keep the head piece attached so that you just slide it over the dog’s head, instead of undoing it and snapping it around the neck. While this may be totally fine, some dogs will eventually become head shy from sliding the harness over their head and ears.
Any harness should lay flat against the dog’s body. If you are using a harness that has a connector strap between the front legs you will want to check that this strap is flush against the sternum but not so short that it is pulling the barrel strap into the elbows.
Checking Fit
When checking for fit, be sure and notice how tight or loose it is when your dog is standing, sitting, and lying down. Your dog’s movement should not be inhibited at all, and it is worth paying special attention to how the harness fits in relation to your dog’s shoulders and elbows.
Freedom of movement through the neck and shoulders can help release tension in the back, improve core strength and enable the dog to engage his hindquarters. Avoiding restriction through the neck and shoulders can help to reduce lead frustration and enables the dog to sniff and explore his environment when out and about.
After removing a harness, it is a good idea to reattach all of the clips so it does not become tangled in storage.
These dog harnesses are made of nylon webbing. 3/8 inch width for XXS, 5/8 inch width for XS and Small sizes. 3/4 inch width for Medium. 1 inch for Medium Wide, Large, and XL.
Made in the Canada. Available in Black, Royal Blue, Red, Green, Sky Blue Raspberry, and Purple. (Sky Blue and Raspberry not available in XXS)
Neck measurement should between the top of the sternum and where the collar sits.
Unsure about size? Get in TTouch!