Tellington TTouch Canada

Tellington TTouch in the Veterinary Practice – Downloadable PDF


by Daniela Zurr, DVM

The Tellington TTouch Method offers many simple, practical, yet effective ways to enhance handling practices in a veterinarian clinic setting.  Whether you are a vet, vet tech, or work in a rescue or shelter, this booklet offers many ideas and exercises to help support low-stress handling, making diagnosis, treatment or basic husbandry more pleasant for animals and handlers.

Daniela Zurr is a German veterinarian who specializes in Behavior Medicine with a special interest in the connection between organic diseases and behavior problems.

Her book shows her daily use of TTouch in her busy vet practice. Although written for veterinarians and animal health care providers this 92 page book is interesting for anyone who needs to handle animals in stressful situations or wants to learn to apply TTouch with their sick or injured animal.

Pictures include the use of wraps, towels and different TTouches, chapters include Philosophy and Goals, Research, Introducing the TTouch, establishing contact and general examination, Indication of TTouch with different organ systems, hospitalized patients, TTouch with anesthesia, Behavior Therapy, farm animals, TTouch for wild and zoo animals and the combination of TTouch with other therapeutic modalities.

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