Tellington TTouch Canada

SURE FOOT Pads- Full Physio (Single Pad )


SURE FOOT Full Physio Pad

  • Farrier Use
  • Two Hooves
  • Intro to Pads
  • Emergency Use
  • Physical Therapy Mat
  • Two Surfaces (1 inch Hard – 1/2 inch Medium)

Availability: 8 in stock (can be backordered)

Full Physiopad – Two Hooves at once

Genuine SURE FOOT Equine FULL PHYSIOPAD consists of 1” Hard material color-coded with Orange DuraFlex, stamped with the official SURE FOOT logo), and ½” gray Medium material. The FULL PHYSIOPAD is packaged individually along with a Warranty Card registration form and QR code.

  • Benefit: Comfort horse for ease when trimming, shoeing and/or treating the horse with other modalities. Also as an “Emergency pad” for First Aid in cases of injury, lameness and potentially colic. Long-term use to aid in improvement of overall horse health and well-being.
  • Color Coded: Coated with Orange DuraFlex, a highly durable, anti-microbial coating and gray.
  • Shape: Rectangular shape allows the different density pads to be paired or stacked for ease of use, which can accommodate individual hooves or two hooves (front or rear) at the same time.
  • Size: 24”x12”x1.5” (60cmx30cm3.8cm).
  • Material: One inch of Hard material and one-half inch Medium material.
  • Weight: Each pad weighs 2 lbs. 9 oz (1.16 kg.).
  • Weight load limit: Can be used with horses of any size, weight or breed.

This pad and the smaller HALF PHYSIOPAD are the only SURE FOOT pads which are made from composite pad materials; Hard and Medium. Either side of the pad may be used. These are designed to provide comfort and stability, not to challenge the horse’s balance.

The PHYSIOPADS (originally called the Farrier Pad) were designed for farriers and trimmers, to help horses stand in comfort without having to balance on a 2” thick pad or be challenged by different SURE FOOT Equine Pads. A calm, quiet horse is easier to work on and requires less time. More importantly when the horse is comfortable everyone is safer: horse, handler and hoof-care provider.

Horses can have one hoof or two on the FULL PHYSIOPAD (both front or hind hooves). For two hooves, horses can be stepped onto the pad and less likely to move if bumped. I can also be used to overcome mounting problems by placing it at the mounting block and asking the horse to stand on it.

The PHYSIOPAD is great for Equine Professionals to use as a treatment pad for the horse, especially while standing to hold horses or kneeling-down especially on hard surfaces. This pad can provide greater relief from standing for long periods of time.


“I am a firm believer in the SURE FOOT® Equine Stability Program. The Physiopad has helped several of my client’s horses and as a farrier I believe this in my business as well. I have used this on horses with side bone, navicular, founder and several other issues. Thanks for this product!” – Jeff Stubblefield, Master Farrier for 47 year.

Warning: When introducing horses to the Physio Pad be sure they are not on cross-ties until it is clear the horse is comfortable with the pad.


*When using the pads in a cold environment (below 40°F or 4° C) use the uncoated surface. The DuraFlex surface stiffens slightly in cold temperatures and may crack. This type of blemish does not affect the function or performance of the pad, simply the look.

Other SURE FOOT pads include: Firm, Soft, Medium, Hard and Slant. The SURE FOOT Program can be combined with other modalities of equine bodywork and training.

To learn more go to the Murdoch Method YouTube channel, Murdoch Method, LLC Facebook page or

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the SURE FOOT instructional video before starting this program with your horse. If there is any medical issues please consult your veterinarian before beginning SURE FOOT to be sure this program is right for your horse.

Fact Sheet:

They are made of as much environmentally friendly material as possible, designed and tested by Wendy Murdoch, carry the official SURE FOOT Logo and are assembled in the State of Maine, USA.

Uses the same foam as the hard pads and is cut into a wedge shape providing an angled surface that fully supports the hoof while allowing for the experience of toe or heel loading.

Can be used with horses of any size, weight or breed. Variation in the pads density provides different degrees of firmness each providing a different experience for the horse.

Durability: The Official SURE FOOT pads have been designed and tested to hold up under the demands of use with horses in any environment. While they are not impervious to damage (tears and cuts) they will continue to service the horse even is somewhat damaged by the horse’s hooves. Therefore the benefits of the SURE FOOT program can be offered to the average horse owner for (in many cases) the cost of one shoeing. Offering the horse and horse owner a long-term use to aid in improvement of overall health.

Warranted against delamination of the DuraFlex coating and/or pad layers.

Stackable: SURE FOOT pads can be combined to stack layers generally two high but in instance three pads high.  Stacking allows the person to give the horse an experience that matches the habit patterns in the body. Horses will not stand on stacked pads unless they wish to, you cannot force this on the horse as they will slip the pads to be lower if so desired. However, stacking allows the horse to experience limb differential and in many cases is beneficial to establishing a more normal, balanced posture and movement.

Pads can be use to benefit the horse pre-exercise, post-exercise, during a training session to improve and enhance performance, recovery from injury while stall bound or in limited movement, reset proprioceptors to reestablish normal patterns of movement, calming for any breed horse in any discipline, improve overall well being of horse and owner, improve relationship between horse and owner as the owner is recognized by the horse as the one who brought the comfort.

Not sure which pad is right for you?  Get in touch!

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Weight 2.1 kg
Dimensions 67 × 44 × 6 cm

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